Be like what God want to happen to you ....
Not be what others want in your life ...
"Sekapur sirih about us.., about XVII generation"
John 15:15
I prayed to God to give I am a true friend, "You do not have a true friend because you did not ask him," God replied.
Not only was I asked the Lord, but explained the criteria that I want. I want a friend who was kind, gentle, easy to forgive, warm, honest, full of peace and joy, generosity, understanding, smart, humorous, attentive. I even gave a friend the physical criteria that had been my dream.
In line with the passage of time, I added a list of criteria that I want in my true friends were. One night, in prayer, the Lord said in my heart, "My servant, I can not give you what you want."
I asked, "Why is God!?" And he replied, "Because I am God and I am the Fair. I am the Truth and all that I'm doing is right. "
I asked again, "Lord, I do not understand why I can not get what I asked from you?"
The Lord replied, "I'll explain it to you. It is an injustice and lack of justification for me to fulfill your wish because I can not give something that is not like you.
It is not fair for me to give a man full of love and love to you if sometimes you are still rough, or give someone a generous but you still cruel, or someone who is easy to forgive, but you still like to hold a grudge, someone who is sensitive, but you alone not ... "
Then the Lord said to me, "It is better if I give someone who I know can grow all the qualities you are looking for this rather than making you waste time looking for someone who already has everything. Yours will be derived from the bones and flesh, and you will see yourself in him and you will become one.
Friendship is like a school, a long-term education.
Friendship is a place where you and your friend will each fit in and not only aims to please each other, but to make you a better human being, and create a solid partnership.
I do not give a perfect friend because you are not perfect.
I give you someone who can grow with you.
Personel RBC XVII
1. Ari
Anak perantauan dari poso. Suka bekerja keras (orang yang paling rajin diantara kami), bertanggung jawab, ulet dan suka senyum2 sendiri !!##%!%%%???!!!@!!
Seorang sahabat seperti beliau layaknya memiliki sebuah emas. Kita akan menjaganya sebaik mungkin karena takut kehilangannya, dan beliau seorang sahabat sekaligus saudara dalam rantai RBC XVII
Merupakan anggota termuda di RBC. Seorang yang penuh talenta multimedia.
Imajinasinya yang tinggi adalah salah satu pilar penopang kekeluargaan kami dalam balutan kreativitas pelayanan misi dan kasih Kristus di mangkuk RBC XVII
3. Marthen
Adalah seorang kepala koki dalam mata rantai RBC XVII. Beliau merupakan sahabat, saudara dan seorang ayah bagi kami. Kharismanya terpancar dari tatapannya, sifatnya yang humoris adalah pemecah kesunyian dan menutup keretakan antara para pilar penopang RBC XVII
Merupakan tolak ukur kami dalam mencari Tuhan.., karena beliau adalah seorang yang paling tua dalam pilar RBC XVII, dan dalam usianya yang senja beliau masih tetap mau belajar untuk melayani Tuhan Yesus.
Agresif, sedikit cerewet, tapi itulah beliau adanya. Sosok seorang bunda yang bersifat melindungi buah hatinya dari segala tawaran kedagingan dunia.
5. Nelce
Sosok yang bijaksana dan rendah hati. Pilar RBC yang satu ini adalah pilar terbaik yang kami miliki. Dari kasihnya kami banyak belajar tentang pribadi Kristus, belajar tentang patuh tanpa bertanya, dan belajar memberi hingga terluka.
Sorot matanya memancarkan ketulusan seorang hamba yang selalu bergantung pada Tuhan.
Satu hal yang kami ketahui tentang saudari kami ini.., beliau adalah "RUT" masa kini.
6. Nando
Sang ketua kelas. Belajar untuk menjadi lebih baik
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